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Travel Diary | Florida '17


Taking photographs has to be one of my favourite things to do at the moment and I'm learning so much more about different ways to use my camera. I recently went on holiday to Florida with my family and so thought I would share some of my favourite images with you on my little corner of the internet.

While we were in Florida my best friend Chloe flew down with her parents to see us which was ever so lovely. You may remember Chloe from a post I did back in October which was all about me flying over to surprise her after 8/9 years (READ IT HERE)!

- Abigail x

Summer Travelling... Gone Wrong?*


If you follow me on social media then you would've seen that back in May I passed my driving test! I am now on the roads in my little car driving around... sensibly I might hope. I am partnering with Point S for this blog post (which is a website in which you can purchase car tyres from) to tell you some dangers of driving around in the summer!

Exploding Tyres
Can you imagine you are just driving along enjoying the views of the ocean over the edge of a cliff,  when you suddenly hear a loud bang. You're losing control of your car and unsure on what to do. This is what it is like when your tyre has exploded. When the wheels are constantly turning they are creating a lot more heat (hot air takes up more space than cold air causing your tyres to expand), add in the warm weather on the tarmac your tyres are going to be very hot. All the mix of friction and heat will cause them to explode! Now don't worry, this isn't going to happen to you whenever you drive but just make sure you are checking your tyres regularly when the air is cold.

Engine Failure
There are many different ways that engine failure can occur, trust me - I've done my research. The one way that I think is most likely to happen while travelling is flooding your engine. If you're driving around and drive through a deep puddle or even a couple can really damage your engine. The water can find its way to the spark plug and suddenly, you're pulled over on the side of the road with an engine that no longer works. Another side note... Don't avoid any leaks, always get them checked out!

Laws about Tyres
Do you know the legal tyre depth for the tyres on your car? Well if not you're in the right place because I know. Having recently passed my test one of the questions I had to be able to answer was the legal minimum tyre depth, which is 1.6mm all the way around in different places! If you find your tires are not 1.6mm then head on over to Point S Website and you can get yourself some new car tyres or just the one!

With the nights being lighter everyone is out later, meaning less time to sleep. Now I know that if I am not in bed by 11, I will be grouchy and spacey the next day. Getting in your car tired can cause the same effects as driving under the influence of alcohol. Your concentration and reaction rates are incredibly reduced causing not only you but also everyone else on the road in danger. Make sure you have had enough rest before you next get into your car and drive because you are putting everyone else you in danger too.

Make sure you go and check out Point S because you may be able to find some good deals on tyres for your car!

-Abigail x

Lets Talk Periods | BetttyBox*



There is seemingly some stigma online around talking about periods and it is an uncomfortable topic for some to talk about. Well I guess not me! When the time comes around all you want to do is stay in bed eating as much food as possible while watching every film under the sun. 

A week ago I was lucky enough to receive the July Betty Box, which is a monthly subscription service aimed at young teens to help make that time of the month a little bit easier. Your first box is only £6.99, an absolute bargain when you think about how expensive tampons and pads are! After your first box the price increases slightly to £10.50 which is incredibly affordable for everything that is in your box!

In July there was so many goodies that I absolutely adored! I am a big fan already of the Hairon bands because they leave no kinks in my hair and to see them in the box I was very impressed, as these alone are normally just £3.99!   I know of this because in the box as well is a little booklet of not only the costing of the products individually but also stories about topics based around that month. With July being a month of holidays there was a story on '7 Myths about Sun Protection You Really Shouldn't Believe.' which I found not only helpful but such a good touch!

As well as the box 'for you' there is also a box 'for night', 'for later' and a drawstring bag 'for now'. The lids to the boxes easily come off so you can stand them in a draw to grab one or on a shelf to easily get to. The drawstring bag 'for now' is a great disguise for hiding your supplies in your school bag. When I was in school I was always worried about someone seeing my stash in my bag so always stored my pads and tampons  in a little makeup bag. Well the lovelies over at Betty Box have got you covered!
You are able to decide on what supplies come in your box when you place your order. There is a wide range of brands and different types that Betty can provide you with. There is different absorption types and different sizes over on the website and if you like a mix of tampons and pads then you can! The box is so flexible and allows for you to have whatever you like so there is no worry that it won't suit you. You can then order your Betty Box to come on whatever date suits you so you can get it a week before your period is due on or a couple of days, whichever suits you best!

Let me know if you have ever ordered a Betty Box and what you think of them, I now love the idea!

- Abigail x

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