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SO...? London - Eau De Toilette and Body Fragrance*




So this blog post is a review of the new So...? Fragrance London. This is part of the new spring sassy collection which consists of London, Rio, New York and Paris. They all have different colours; however they are all spring/summer themed yet still related to the country in a way.

The one thing I loved about the So..? London Eau De Toilette is the cute symbol of Big Ben. I love the fact how they've have incorporated it into the design as it symbolises what we think of most when we think of London. Big Ben. The colours are also very creatively put together. They fit in well with the theme of my room as well as looking cute in my make-up bag. (The top photo is the packaging in which you buy the product.)

The scent of these two is absolutely divine. It is a mixture of Grapefruit, Rose and Vanilla. I think that in the Eau Du Toilette the Grapefruit comes through the strongest, yet compliments the Vanilla. The one scent that I cannot smell as strong as the others however as it wears off during the day I find that Vanilla has then lingered the longest. I applied a spritz either side of my neck and then on my wrist (rubbing them together… if you can imagine that in your head?!)

The body fragrance then smelt strongest of the Rose. However I didn’t mind because once wearing together it still went well together. Obviously they are supposed to, but I just felt that these really did. The body fragrance I normally spray all over my body in the mornings and then as the day progresses I will apply it after sport or when I’ve had my cooking classes.

I would really recommended this product if you would like a very pungent smell that would last for most of the day. I love the scent and so do many of my friends, whom have told me so when I have sprayed it after physical education.

You can purchase them both from most pharmacy stores such as Superdrug or boots e.t.c.

I hope you have liked this review of the product and you may go to the shops and smell it or buy it. At the minute in boots the Eau De Toilette is half price, the same for the Body spray in Superdrug. I hope you have a lovely half term.



Top 5 revision tips!

So today I was wondering what to do as my blog post and then I realised I really didn't have much time because of one thing that I needed to do... Revision. So today I thought why not share my top tips that I find help me, so if you are struggling then they may be able to help you.
At the minute I am doing my 4th GCSE early! This exam is Culture, Philosophy and Religion. Also known as Religious studies. So I have to learn what feels like a million religious teachings fro different teachings and such.
1.  The one thing I find that really helps me is writing my notes out on flash cards. This is because I can  write a key word on one side and the definition on the other so I can try and test myself. At the minute Whsmith have a 3 for 2 offer on so I bought 3 Sets. They have normal white ones if you don't want pastel colours, however I also found this easier as it could separate each topic as well.

2. Once you feel confident enough try a practice/past paper. This way you will see the topics you need to study more before the final exam.
3.  As well as flash cards/before I write out my flash cards I take longer notes in a notepad. I like to do this in multiple colours because then it is easier to find different quotations and the key terms this way.
4. The one thing that people say they don't need is revision guides, however if you ask your teacher before hand which exam board you are with then you can buy the specific guide for the specific topic. This is actually beneficial because it means that you will only be learning things that the exam board recommends you learn so you don't cram your brain too much *inserts cry laughing emoji*
I bought my revision guides from Waterstones and the paper one was given to me by my school!
5. Take multiple breaks, listen to some music, clear your mind and drink lots of water!

I hope these top tips may have helped you! Sorry for a short blog post but obviously I am revising and I just typed this on one of my 'breaks from revising'!
I am now on bloglovin' so feel free to click the pink button on the right and follow me, I will much appreciate it!
Good luck to anyone taking exams!


Im on bloglovin!

Hey guys!
This is a short blog post, to tell you all that I am now on bloglovin' where you can follow me and then see when I post a new blogpost and all sorts! So click the button on the right and side and follow me! I'd really appreciate it <3
Tomorrows post will still go up don't worry!

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Chocolate Orange Brownies With White Chocolate Chunks!

This blog post is going to make you extremely hungry.. I'm sorry in advanced. I'm sat here right now eating hot gooey  brownies that taste absolutely divine! The main base of this recipe is from my work experience placement which was in an old peoples home. Now I know that sounds weird but they have a 5 star chef, who makes the most amazing food! So after trying these I asked for the recipe! I made these changing the recipe slightly to suit my taste but I think they still taste amazing! The one thing I was surprised at with this recipe is there is no Terry's chocolate orange inside, which is my favourite, but I guess you are sort of making your own!
You will need:
350g dark chocolate
250g Butter
3 Whole eggs
250g Soft brown sugar
100g Plain flour
5g Baking powder
1 teaspoon of orange essence
100g White chocolate chips
1 Large orange-Zested
Step one: Preheat your oven to 180° (gas mark 4/5)
Step two: Melt the chocolate and butter in a bowl over a saucepan of boiling water.
Step three: Whisk the eggs and sugar in a bowl, with an electric whisk until light and fluffy!

Step four: Fold the egg and sugar mixture into the melted chocolate and butter!
Step five: Add in the orange essence and orange zest!

Step six: Now sprinkle in 3/4 of the chocolate chips.
Step seven: Fold in the flour and baking powder.
Step eight: Transfer onto a tray lined with greaseproof paper. Then take the 1/4 chocolate chips that are left and drop them all over the top!
Step nine: Bake in the oven for 25 minutes ( or until a skewer/fork/knife comes out clean!)
Step ten: Enjoy!

I hope you have enjoyed this blog post! This post was mainly because I am rubbish at looking after paper with recipes on, so now I know where to look when I want it! If you make these, show me on my social media.. links under the contact tab at the top!

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