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Towards the end of summer 2018, I posted a blog entry about heading to university and what the future was going to hold for me. One thing I didn't expect was university life taking over so much and my blog getting pushed to the side.

Starting at University in September 2018, really was everything and nothing like I expected it to be.

Nursing is hard.

I can tell you that much. I have had SO many days where I have cried because I just wanted to go home and study something that wasn't so intense. But then I've had days where I have loved my course and been ever so grateful for everything that it has thrown my way because it is beginning to shape me for the future.

I have experienced quite a few varieties of placements now that have quite literally changed how I view so many things. I had my tough days and days where I have come home completely in love with what I do. I think having some sort of balance is really important because I would get bored.

Now that University is all online, because of Covid-19... I have a bit more time to myself. Doing online exams and attending lectures via a video call is all very strange but it's just another curve ball into getting to where I want to be.

Hopefully now, after 2 years at University, I have learnt the balance between my work and having my own life. Fingers crossed my blog doesn't have to take a back seat as much as it has.

I hope everyone is well and safe.

- Abigail x

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