A month ago now I saw one direction live.
That day was filled with emotions, mainly happy due to feeling incredibly
proud of how far they have come. But at the end I was crying because it was over ( I know I'm weird, hate
me I don't care ) I felt like an era of my life was coming to a close all
because they are going on a hiatus. The next section of the blog post I
wrote at 2am when I returned from the concert when I guess you could
say I was in a bit of a state! Enjoy...
Watching one direction made me realise one
thing. Never give up on your dreams, may they be big or small. Every dream can
become a reality. Seeing how far they've come has actually inspired me to work
for what I want to achieve. Push myself and don't let anyone stop me. Liam
didn't give up! He returned to the X-factor for a second year and guess what...
He's now in the biggest boy band in the world. If that isn't inspiration, then
I don't know what is.
My one life ambition is to become a paediatric
nurse. If you don't know what this is, it is basically a children's nurse in a
hospital. I have dreamt this and imagined my life as a nurse for 6 years now. I
realised this was definitely what I wanted to do after watching my brother
Callum being taken to hospital many time because of being allergic to mosquito
bites. Seeing how caring the nurses were inspired me. I love to help people, I
love being other people's source of happiness. If I was able to not only help a
child, but also their family I would feel such a thrill, it's hard to put it
into words.
Currently I'm leading up to the end of my
GCSE's then it's onto A-Levels, then university. I have everything planned out
on what I want to do, where I want to go... It is all down to just believing in
You may not know what you want to do… or
your dream is to sing or be able to do a talent you have always wanted to do...
I guess what I'm saying is to never give up on ANYTHING. So long as you believe
in yourself, you can get there! Push yourself, to succeed in ways you won’t
believe are possible.
Leave a comment below on what you are most excited for or looking forward to in 2016!
-Abigail x
P.S.. I thought I should leave some of the pictures I took below!