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Showing posts with label Ketchup clouds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ketchup clouds. Show all posts

Ketchup clouds...?

Hey guys!

This week I thought, why not be different. Why not do something out of the ordinary! So I decided to do a short book review on ketchup clouds!.... Here goes!

Book: ketchup clouds!
Author: Annabel Pitcher

The ketchup clouds has nothing to do with ketchup! It actually symbolises blood. It is about a teen girl who had a dark secret and can't pluck up the courage to tell anyone.  However when she finds that she can write to prisoners on death row, without receiving a reply she takes  the chance using it to  help get the guilt of her shoulders. Still not knowing her name as the reader, she writes to the prisoner explaining her situation, creating a fake address and name... The story is in reverse, telling the story as it happens, until it's time for the man to be executed.. Now she tries to prove that he is innocent, studying and learning all about the man, will she make it in time to help stop him being killed?  I really would recommend this book to both genders because I think it is really interesting and you never want to put it down!

This is the front cover and it is really cute, because the birds then lead onto the pages!

I hope you guys liked this, and will go and read this book, or try out audible! I would give this book 9/10!


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