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Showing posts with label Sixth form. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sixth form. Show all posts

Leaving Full Time Education.


It has finally come to that time of year where exams have taken over my life (hence the blog taking a back seat). As of yesterday (25/05/18) I finished Sixth Form, so no more second year teaching for me. I have two exams left to sit now both in English Language.

However with half term now upon us I can take full advantage of an extra couple of hours where I would normally be chatting in class to write blog posts that I haven't had the opportunity to in what feels like forever! I thought coming back online I would start with what has prevented me from being online and talk about what college was like.

On a break from revision I went
for a walk around a lake
near my house and it is full of beautiful flowers.
I studied three subjects at sixth form: English Language, Medical Science and Health & Social Care. If you've been following my blog for a while then you will know that I am hoping to go to university in September and study to become a Children's Nurse which has been my dream for as long as I can remember. I might do a blog post soon talking about how I found this love and passion for wanting to care for other people because thats a whole other story.

When I first started college I loved all of my subjects, everything I did I enjoyed and I looked forward to going to class every week. As things started to get harder I started to struggle a lot more and wasn't seeing the outcome in my grades that I had wanted. I started to realise that the way I revised for GCSEs was not going to work for A-Levels and I took a new approach to learning everything.

I wrote a letter to myself after my AS exams last year because I felt like I had done absolutely terrible and it is saved as a draft blog post... Every time I started to feel as though I was struggling I would read this letter and it motivated me to work harder. I was very surprised at my AS grades because they were a lot higher than any grades I had had the whole year, one of my subjects increased by 3 whole grades which was ridiculous to me! I was so proud of myself for managing to set my mind on something and eventually achieve it and so I've tried to have the same mind set this year.

I've worked so hard towards my exams that I have had so far I just hope that this work pays off and I can get into university to pursue the dream I've always had.

Thank you to any of you that have stuck by me on this journey through my GCSEs and now my A Levels. Here's to you hopefully sticking around to find out if I get into university.

-Abigail x

16th: Sixth Form?! *Blogmas 2015*


Hello Lovelies,

Blogmas is obviously meant to be about things around the Christmas period and Christmassy fun. But if you are around my age or younger then it is still filled up with school! One thing that my age group will be doing is applying to sixth forms and going for interviews. I have now been to two and both have been incredibly eye opening. I then thought why not share some information with you, it might help or you might sweep it under the carpet… either way I don’t mind!

My one top tip would be don’t follow your friends. I applied to 4 different sixth forms so that I had a wide range and the one I am most interested in none of my friends are going to. I want to get my head down and concentrate on my education because those friends aren’t going to be there every second of your life and I feel like I need to grow and become more independent.

Another thing that I would say is pick something that is reasonably close. What I mean is if you live in London don’t apply to one in Scotland because you will have to travel every day. Obviously you wouldn’t but what I mean is don’t pick somewhere an hour and a half away when somewhere twice as good may be 30 minutes away. The further the distance the more it is going to cost you to go back and forth.

Finally I would also say when you go for your interview be yourself. When filling out the application form make sure you write down anything interesting or different that you might do compared to others. This helps you to stand out. When you are asked questions make sure you take a second to think of an answer, before rushing into it. By rushing you may stumble on your words or confuse yourself, I would find this more embarrassing than if I had taken 2 or so seconds to think about what I had wanted to say.

Let me know below in the comments if you have any tips for others or if you just want to share anything!

-Abigail x

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