This blog post I have typed about a
gazillion times... each time re-wording things or changing it. This is because
there is no real way to start talking about this. I guess I just have to go
into it. I’m no professional and all of what I’ve included are my own opinions
but, all I want to do is help.
Mental Health and Mental Illnesses
are both very close to my heart. My best friend has a mental illness, which
tears me apart. There is not a day that goes past when I don't think about her.
She seemed always so happy to me but I guess she just wasn't enjoying her
life. I don't want to talk about this too much because not only is this
breaking my heart... but also it’s her story not
There are many forms of mental
illnesses but the most common is depression closely followed by Anxiety and
panic attacks. I’m going to focus on Depression. Depression for some people however
is just the beginning. Depression can lead to many more things... like suicide.
I am going to talk about suicide
because today is world suicide prevention day.
Suicide doesn't seem real to anyone
until it comes and hits them. They may lose someone they know, or someone close
to them may attempt it. Suicide doesn't hit us all until it’s put into
statistics... so I did just that.
Over 800,000 people die by suicide
every year.
There is one death by suicide every
40 seconds.
Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of
death in the world for people aged 15-44years old.
This just shows you how much people
are affected. Some people just need assistance, reassurance that someone is
there for them. It is brave to speak out… seeking help shows your courage. If
you are feeling suicidal you can call the numbers below:
UK: 08457909090
USA (Trevor project): 866-488-7386
Or in effect you want to learn more
about different illnesses you can go to the Mind website or Trevor Project.
If you know someone who is having a
tough time or you are worried, just channel your thoughts and think positive. The
more you think positively about something the more likely it is to happen.
Whereas if you are very negative towards something then it is less likely to
happen. Therefore you need to believe in those with a mental illness and never
give up. Your positivity and belief in them may be the nudge they need. Knowing
that someone is still there for them after what may have been a long time can help.
I like to think of this in terms of the something being a person. Meaning...
don't give up on someone with mental health. One day just one day they may come
back and be fighting. Better than ever. This is my one hope.
Never give up on something that you can’t
go a day without thinking about...This was said by Winston Churchill. I’m not
giving up on my best friend. No matter what happens I’m always here for her, I’ll
always believe in her... that's what you need to do. Love everyone around you...
even yourself. If it’s the hardest thing you do today I will be proud. For many
people getting out of bed is a struggle. If you did that today I am proud of
you. Everywhere around the world people struggle every day to do such simple
tasks that I may take for granted. I believe in all of you.
Don't give up on your loved ones.
If you want to just have a chat, you
can click the contact me above and email me or drop me a message on twitter.
Lots of love x