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Showing posts with label Sunshine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunshine. Show all posts

A cute day out!

Hi guys:)

So the other week I was over at my grandparents house.. And we went for a little walk through the massive woods near their house! As we went through the sun came out and I decided to take some photos! Because I'm a nice person I decided why not share them with you;)


The view over the field

Even if this is quite small..  A panorama of what was around me!

Ok.. im laughing at what I wrote underneath \/
 A tree with the sun because why not!

So I looked weird taking this....

A red kite in the distance.. Because you can't see them everywhere!

My little stick :)
This is blurry but it's because it's hard to take a photo.... But this stick of wood means a lot! When I was 5 and going to the words with my grandparents I picked it up! We have kept it since then and engraved my initials onto it!

Starting this blog means sharing things with you guys and that's exactly what I'm doing!

Hope you enjoyed my little photos! And come back soooooon!!


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