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Showing posts with label hungover. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hungover. Show all posts

Jim Chapman - 147 Things | Review*


Now that we are in the full swing of autumn there is nothing I love more than sitting under a blanket with a cup of coffee and reading a good book. Last week I was sent a copy of Jim Chapman's new book - 147 Things, now I am normally a big fan of crime and thriller books but having been watching Jim's videos for at least 4 years I thought I had to give his book a read.

147 Things is hilarious. The stories Jim shares about all the random things that he has done and thought about as well as all those theories you've thought might possibly be real, are now answered by Jim! There is countless 'things' in the book that I have never even thought about before but now I have read all about them I want to keep learning more.

My favourite theory Jim explains is 'Thing 113: Coffee doesn't sober you up but it does make poop happen.' The reason for thing 113 being my favourite is because I am capable of having one too many drinks and then trying t recover the next day. The one thing I always turn to is coffee because I think it will wake me up and keep me going through quite a long day. I never thought to link my toilet antics to drinking coffee so I'm rather glad Jim talks about it because I've learnt something new that I didn't even know existed before this! As well as this Jim also had the intellectual description of how coffee works with all our cells and bile ducts and what not, so it's going to help with my biology work at college!

I would recommend Jim's book 147 Things to anyone that doesn't like to read. Now you probably think I'm crazy but because each little theory is only 2/3 pages long it makes it so much easier to read and its not like if you stop reading you have to try and remember what happened. I'd even say to you if you like reading to also check out 147 things because once you've learnt one random thing you want to learn more and the cycle just keeps going!

You can purchase 147 Things online at Amazon or you can go into your local bookstore and I'm sure they'll have it! Here is also a link to the audio book of 147 Things with an exclusive Q&A with Jim.

Also don't forget to check Jim's channel out here if you're not already subscribed:

If you've read Jim Chapman's book already let me know in the comments what you thought or tweet me!

-Abigail x

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