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Showing posts with label tests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tests. Show all posts

Where have I been...oops?!

I probably should start by saying happy new year! You are probably thinking why on earth haven't I been active/posting on my blog. Well..... I have gone back to school and been slammed with exams:( So you can blame my teachers at school! However it is probably also because I have started on a new series on Netflix called Pretty Little Liars AND I AM SO ADDICTED AND EXCITED FOR THE END! I also have been having ski lessons, because I am going skiing in Killington and then shopping in New York, SO I'M EXCITED AND SCARED AND OH MY GOSH!
However I am now back into the routine of normal Wednesday blog posts, so STAY WITH ME PLEASE BECAUSE I AM STILL HERE BUT I'M SUPER DUPER BUSY:(

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