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Showing posts with label university. Show all posts
Showing posts with label university. Show all posts



Towards the end of summer 2018, I posted a blog entry about heading to university and what the future was going to hold for me. One thing I didn't expect was university life taking over so much and my blog getting pushed to the side.

Starting at University in September 2018, really was everything and nothing like I expected it to be.

Nursing is hard.

I can tell you that much. I have had SO many days where I have cried because I just wanted to go home and study something that wasn't so intense. But then I've had days where I have loved my course and been ever so grateful for everything that it has thrown my way because it is beginning to shape me for the future.

I have experienced quite a few varieties of placements now that have quite literally changed how I view so many things. I had my tough days and days where I have come home completely in love with what I do. I think having some sort of balance is really important because I would get bored.

Now that University is all online, because of Covid-19... I have a bit more time to myself. Doing online exams and attending lectures via a video call is all very strange but it's just another curve ball into getting to where I want to be.

Hopefully now, after 2 years at University, I have learnt the balance between my work and having my own life. Fingers crossed my blog doesn't have to take a back seat as much as it has.

I hope everyone is well and safe.

- Abigail x

The Next Chapter.


Unless you follow me on social media, you wouldn't know that next weekend I move into my university accommodation. I wrote a blog post back in May all about where I had been applying to, where I'd been interviewed for and also where I eventually got into! I was indecisive back then as to whether I wanted to go to Southampton University or Kings College London.

Opening my results was the scariest thing I have ever had to do. I had put a lot of pressure on myself because studying Paediatric Nursing has always been my dream and it was as though these grades got to decide for me.

I told my mum to wait downstairs while I opened up the school intranet, I couldn't have anyone around while I was waiting to find out! As soon as I saw the screen I was worried I had picked something wrong..

I had gotten exactly the grades that were required and was accepted into both my first and second choice universities. I remember starting to cry and shout for my mum, who at first was worried my results weren't as we had hoped because of my reaction!

So I guess I'm off to The University of Southampton! Next weekend when you're reading this (the 22nd of September) I will finally be settling into my halls ready to start that next chapter in my life.

Although a lot of what has been on my blog before has all been beauty or fashion with a slice of lifestyle and travel, I'm going to throw another category in there and create some content about applying to university, nursing and all the strange and wonderful things I encounter over the next 3 years!

I hope you've had a lovely summer and if you're back at school now then the best of luck!

- Abigail x

Let's Call This Post.... Hello Again.

So it has been a little while  since I last came on my area of the Internet and wrote something... just under four months to be exact. A lot has happened in this time it is crazy to think I haven't shared much of it on here. I do share a lot on my Instagram stories because it takes two clicks and is super easy but I haven't even been posting on social media as much and only last week as we came into the new year have I started to post onto Instagram again. If you don't watch my Instagram stories or follow me on social media I am going to fill you in on what I've been up to and where I've been!

Starting all the way back in October I flew to New York City to see my best friend Chloe who I also saw at the same time the year prior (2016). I do in fact have a rather late photo diary going up soon because as you’ll know if you read my blog I love to photograph my trips!

I have also been completing lots of different pieces of coursework - okay I say a lot but really its been two for English Language and then probably about fifteen pieces for Health (but health is a 100% coursework based subject after all). These have kept me super busy over the past couple of months and my hands have been so tired from typing so much I haven't been motivated to type for my blog even though it’s what I love doing.

Something else that has been going on which you’ll know about if you follow me on twitter because I got very very excited about it after being so scared is applying to University. I sent off my application at the start of October and I have since been offered interviews at all five of my choices! I attended my first two interviews which were at the places I wanted to attend the most. Firstly I had my interview at Kings College London, which if you follow me on twitter you would know I was accepted the day after my interview! I was so shocked to be offered a place at KCL however it was my next interview that meant the world to me. For a long time I had wanted to go to Southampton University and even getting offered an interview there was a huge shock to me because I truly didn’t believe in myself that I would get one! My Southampton interview was the day after my KCL interview and so I found out about Kings while travelling home on the train. A week and a half after my interview at Southampton I was worried that it was taking so long and persuaded myself that I hadn’t gotten in. Until one lunchtime at college I received an email that literally made my dreams come true! All my hard work and I now had a place to study at Southampton. I am extremely excited for university now, I just need to make sure I keep pushing myself to get the best possible grades as my opportunity to study there is dependant on them. If you have followed my blog for a while you will know I was hoping to study Paediatric Nursing which now I have the chance to is absolutely crazy to me and I cannot wait!

Finally.... Just yesterday I turned 18! I don’t feel anywhere near responsible enough to turn 18 but it’s happened and that too brings so many more things for this new year. I can’t wait to bring my blog along with me on that journey.

 It feels like it has been too long and I can't believe I have put it off for so long but hello again and here’s to a fabulous 2018.

If you have been applying to university or are planning to study something similar to me then let me know in the comments or over on social media, I’d love to have a chat!

-Abigail x

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