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Showing posts with label cute. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cute. Show all posts

Meet My Furry Friend!


Hello Lovelies,

So unless you follow me on snapchat, twitter or instagram then you may not know about my little friend. I may say little, but he is actually HUGEE!

My cat is called Monty and it's all because in his fur there is an 'M' on his forehead. I personally love his name and it was the first one that i thought of when I picked him up.. Not Ben10 or Scooby Doo as suggested by my brother!

I found Monty on a website called where anybody can list any pet they may have. It could be anything from Kittens, Dogs, hamsters, Snakes, Puppies or Horses.. you name it, they have it! I wanted to say it's a bit like eBay but for pets however the animals are loved they just need a home and so I felt bad saying that. Anyway at the time I just put in my postcode and searched for kittens. Monty was the last in his litter and so we were lucky to find him. We went round the owners house, met Monty and fell in love.

We have had Monty for under 4 years and it is his 4th birthday on the 9th June.

Monty is a ball of fluff that used to love going outdoors, but now we have moved he hates it. He also never used to cuddle up to you until we moved and so I'm very happy now!

I was trying to decide how to photograph Monty when i ended up having a full blown 30 minutes photoshoot with him. I couldn't decide which ones I loved the most so I went ahead and decided to share a lot.

- Abigail x

2nd: Meeting Joe Sugg and Caspar Lee! *Blogmas 2015*

Hello lovelies!

Today is the second of December and I wanted to talk about something that happened on Sunday the 29th of November. I was going to do this on an extra side post but then I thought why not include it in Blogmas!
So on Sunday the 29th of November I ventured into reading with my best-friend Amy! We of course got a McDonalds and headed towards HMV. Here I met my other friend Jess and we joined the queue. I was extremely excited by this point which you can probably imagine.
Everything was going well until it decided that now was a good time to rain. So now we were not only queuing in the cold but also the rain. After queuing for 3 hours we finally got inside into the warm.   
Inside there was a buzzing feeling amongst everyone. Another 20 minutes wait and we are extremely close to the front, at this point everyone is screaming because Caspar is running past to go for a wee! If you have me on snapchat then you would have seen this!
Anyway... it finally got to my turn to go and hug Joe and Caspar. I won’t bore you with our conversation (even though to me it is extremely special) but I will leave you with the cute pictures that we took! I love the silly one especially because Joe was oinking (is that a word?!) during the picture!
I just want to say an incredibly huge thank you to the boys for an amazing day. I absolutely loved meeting you as well as making new friends. Keep doing what you’re doing because you are amazing at it.


Thank you so much for tuning into Blogmas day 2, I hope you enjoyed it! My question to you is if you could meet anyone who would it be?
-Abigail x

Blogmas day 17&18: Weird D.I.Y santa decoration!?


I thought the other week that I would get my hands dirty and do some diy! So myself and my baby half-brother ( aged 4) Sat down for the whole of Saturday and Sunday and got a bit creative! I then thought, why not show some other people on the wide web and so I am!
1) First of all you will need to paper Mache a water bottle and the top of one balloon and the middle of another balloon ( However the balloons need to be fairly small!)
2) Once the paper Mache has dried I painted everything in red, except the bottom bit from the balloon which I painted white, with red around the very top like a hat!!

3) Then I Cut the middle of the balloon in half on one side and painted buttons along the middle. I then also added black boots and a black belt with a yellow buckle!? ( This is hard to get straight lines and hard with a four year old! Don't judge my bad painting skills!)

4) Then on the top balloon I painted a face and put pva glue all over and then stuck on cotton wool balls, for a fake beard effect! You can also add some around the hat and on the top for a fluffy affect!

5) Once this has dried glue on the belly and the head, you may need to stuff some cotton wool inside for extra support.

6) Now leave your santa out as a little decoration!( After I finished i then went back and added cotton wool arms, then painted them red, and black at the tips like gloves! I just forgot to take a photo and it is at my dads house and I'm at my mums!!)

Finished product:


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