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Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts

Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015!

Hi guys,
So today is the last day of 2014, and I guess that's kind of sad. I have made so many memories this year and so many new friends such as my internet best friend Alice who is ever so lovely, caring, kind and can always cheer me up when I'm sad so I'm ever so grateful for her. She is always therefore me and I feel like she needs a special mention because she is ever so special to me.
I know that hardly anyone reads my blog but I am ever so grateful for those of you who do and give me support because I feel like you are all my best friends and that I can always have someone to rely on when I'm sad, and that will listen and not judge me. I feel like writing my blog has helped my self confidence in a lot of ways because I'm not scared to be myself and I'm not scared to voice my opinion and for it to be heard. I like it as well because you find out about me through my personality and my hobbies, things I like and my interests before you see what I look like, proving the quote, "Its what's on the inside not the outside" In being correct!
I want to wish you all a happy new year and I hope you have a lovely start whether you are going back to school, university, work or whatever you enjoy doing! Have a lovely time and party tonight because who doesn't love a party!!?
Thank you again for all the support I get on my blog, I never thought that people would ever read this, it was just somewhere for me to escape and be myself, but now people read it and I have made some lovely friends!
Also over the next couple of days my blog may look quite weird/different and that's because I'm hopefully changing the theme and layout, fingers crossed!


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