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Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

February in Photographs.


I haven't done one of these posts in a long, long, long time but I was going through my camera roll late one evening looking at all my photographs and found so many things that had happened last month that I absolutely loved.

1st - I got up at silly o'clock to go for a walk around a lake local to me with my best friend.
6th - I finally got a Teddy Bear Coat
10th - I went for Brunch with some lovely bloggers.
17th - I went to my Bosses wedding in the countryside with some of the lovely ladies I work with.
27th - WE GOT SNOW

Sunset, Lake, Walk, Surrey
1st February
Fashion, Blogger, Teddy Bear,
6th February
Cappuccino, Blogger Brunch, Surrey, Cafe
10th February

Wedding ootd, wedding makeup, curly hair, White Blouse, Pink skirt
17th February
Hunters, Boots, snow, england
27th February
Snow, Berries, red, photography
28th February

- Abigail x

Blogmas day 17&18: Weird D.I.Y santa decoration!?


I thought the other week that I would get my hands dirty and do some diy! So myself and my baby half-brother ( aged 4) Sat down for the whole of Saturday and Sunday and got a bit creative! I then thought, why not show some other people on the wide web and so I am!
1) First of all you will need to paper Mache a water bottle and the top of one balloon and the middle of another balloon ( However the balloons need to be fairly small!)
2) Once the paper Mache has dried I painted everything in red, except the bottom bit from the balloon which I painted white, with red around the very top like a hat!!

3) Then I Cut the middle of the balloon in half on one side and painted buttons along the middle. I then also added black boots and a black belt with a yellow buckle!? ( This is hard to get straight lines and hard with a four year old! Don't judge my bad painting skills!)

4) Then on the top balloon I painted a face and put pva glue all over and then stuck on cotton wool balls, for a fake beard effect! You can also add some around the hat and on the top for a fluffy affect!

5) Once this has dried glue on the belly and the head, you may need to stuff some cotton wool inside for extra support.

6) Now leave your santa out as a little decoration!( After I finished i then went back and added cotton wool arms, then painted them red, and black at the tips like gloves! I just forgot to take a photo and it is at my dads house and I'm at my mums!!)

Finished product:


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