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Showing posts with label happy new year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happy new year. Show all posts

Goodbye 2015...Hello 2016!

Hello Lovelies,

(Before I started my post I just wanted to wish everybody a Happy New Year and good luck for 2016!)

Well.. I don’t really know how to start this post. I was going to talk about the achievements and incredible opportunities I’ve had in 2015 and then I remembered I did a blogpost about it during Blogmas. So I you want to read that then you can do so here! Anyway todays blog post is something I wrote when I was tired and probably should have slept because it was 3am but I wanted to write while everything was on my mind and felt fresh if you know what I mean!? Anyway… enjoy!

Sometimes you want to put your head in a pillow and scream and cry. Sometimes you type out a whole text but don't send it because you hate having arguments. Sometimes you wish you could speak the truth without everything around you coming crashing down.

I'm sat here after a New Year's Eve party still in my coat and dress thinking to myself about what 2016 holds for me (basically I’m panicking because I’m going to be so screwed). I will do my GCSEs. I will go to sixth form. Plus… I turn 16 in a few days.

Everything kind of came crashing down around me and I realised the truth. This year basically dictates the rest of my life. Everyone says ‘New Year New Me’. It's that cringed thing you put on your Facebook page or something. But I've decided that will happen. I know that if I write down my New Year’s resolutions in one place where anyone can view it then I can't go back.

So here goes...

1. I'm not giving people second chances, if you blow it, you've blown it.
2. I will try my hardest in my exams and push myself to hopefully exceed the target grades my school and I have set.
3. I’m not letting people dictate my life. It's my life not yours.
4. I need to stop trying to change who I am to fit in. Everybody is different in their own special way.

I know to you these might seem silly but I really want to do this. To me they are things I need to remember and tell myself every day.

If you have any resolutions leave them in the comments I’d love to read them! Happy new year once again!

p.s This is my step any closer and I'll kill you face :)

-Abigail x

Where have I been...oops?!

I probably should start by saying happy new year! You are probably thinking why on earth haven't I been active/posting on my blog. Well..... I have gone back to school and been slammed with exams:( So you can blame my teachers at school! However it is probably also because I have started on a new series on Netflix called Pretty Little Liars AND I AM SO ADDICTED AND EXCITED FOR THE END! I also have been having ski lessons, because I am going skiing in Killington and then shopping in New York, SO I'M EXCITED AND SCARED AND OH MY GOSH!
However I am now back into the routine of normal Wednesday blog posts, so STAY WITH ME PLEASE BECAUSE I AM STILL HERE BUT I'M SUPER DUPER BUSY:(

Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015!

Hi guys,
So today is the last day of 2014, and I guess that's kind of sad. I have made so many memories this year and so many new friends such as my internet best friend Alice who is ever so lovely, caring, kind and can always cheer me up when I'm sad so I'm ever so grateful for her. She is always therefore me and I feel like she needs a special mention because she is ever so special to me.
I know that hardly anyone reads my blog but I am ever so grateful for those of you who do and give me support because I feel like you are all my best friends and that I can always have someone to rely on when I'm sad, and that will listen and not judge me. I feel like writing my blog has helped my self confidence in a lot of ways because I'm not scared to be myself and I'm not scared to voice my opinion and for it to be heard. I like it as well because you find out about me through my personality and my hobbies, things I like and my interests before you see what I look like, proving the quote, "Its what's on the inside not the outside" In being correct!
I want to wish you all a happy new year and I hope you have a lovely start whether you are going back to school, university, work or whatever you enjoy doing! Have a lovely time and party tonight because who doesn't love a party!!?
Thank you again for all the support I get on my blog, I never thought that people would ever read this, it was just somewhere for me to escape and be myself, but now people read it and I have made some lovely friends!
Also over the next couple of days my blog may look quite weird/different and that's because I'm hopefully changing the theme and layout, fingers crossed!


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